Monday, October 19, 2009

Disney On Classic 2009 - Day 2

Rehearsals have begun in earnest.  Sunday we had sectional rehearsals with just the singers, followed by rhythm section with percussion.  Yesterday we had the full orchestra read-through.  This is everyone’s first time actually playing the music, including me, and it is hard work since the music is complex and technically challenging and there are the inevitable mistakes in the score to be found and corrected.  The orchestra is godlike in their ability to find every mistake in the millions of notations I have made.  As the bible says, "There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed." Generally if the problem is obvious they just fix it.  But if not, they converge on the podium when we go to break and either ask me or grab the scores and check it out for themselves.  One can hardly overstate how dedicated they are to doing their best and how supportive they are toward me.  Yesterday was 6 hours of hard work and we were all whipped at the end.  And we get to do it again today!

1 comment:

LeeC said...

We miss you Brad! Keeping you in prayer. It didn't seem right going to the mens conference in the new building without you.